fuck your movie to hell!
you stupid dick-head.....how could this stupid movie still be alive!!DIE YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!your movie sucks
fuck your movie to hell!
you stupid dick-head.....how could this stupid movie still be alive!!DIE YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!your movie sucks
Good animation!!!GOD-LIKE!!!!!
YES WE HAVE A WINNER!,the grahices are out standing,and the animation is GOD-LIKE!Then think I think is weak is the style and violence...I was hoping more shooting
good job!
This movie has good grahices and sound and animation......but it was kinda boring,Iwas hoping a bigger ATOMIC-BOMB blast!the style is not really special because I see other movie that has the same idea.
not bad
this is funny fart movie I seen yet!even thought it was orinigal good grahices(even thought most of was cut out)the style was very good,I can tell you that for sure!
this movie is bull siht
How could this movie even live?.....it should of been kicked out by the portal by now....see ya uin hell stick figures!!*flipoff*
not bad ,very good
I heard of this game before.This movie is funny.....two enemys plaing soccer lol!
you need more animation and humor
not bad...
the grahices are really good ,and the sound too.but this movie was short and kinda boring...instead of putting just the purple one,put all of the tellitubbies in this movie.
good job!
I thought I was going to see another bull shit stick figure movie.....then...in the middle it showed two guys.I thought was good....it has good humor and style!the animation showed be better.
nice job on the grafixes and sound and animation
even thought this movie was kinda sick ,talking about flys eating shit....it was still funny!now I can see the how the life of a fly is......the life of a fly is bull shit!!(lol)
Kaliningrad, Russia
Joined on 6/26/00