not bad!
Honesty I think this movie is not all that great I liked the transformers and the robocop movie,but this one is kinda boring....come on ,a bunch of guys talking about pigeons?I gave you a ten because of the grahices like all ways!
not bad!
Honesty I think this movie is not all that great I liked the transformers and the robocop movie,but this one is kinda boring....come on ,a bunch of guys talking about pigeons?I gave you a ten because of the grahices like all ways!
Tom you suck!
another anti-newgrounds movie because of the new newgrounds.....I am absolutelly agree with this movie and the other movies like this!I fuckin' hate the new newgrounds.....I espceially hate the way the portal movies are set and the vote polls,and he change ,there are no music video room,or assasin PAGE ! THE NEW NEWGROUNDS SUX!!!!!!
nice one!
This is a great movie!I heard about the voting problem ,I never knew someone would make a movie about it!good job!,the grahices are kinda crappy.
not bad
not bad fot a 14 year old,I'm going to be turning 14 too!anyway great movie....the animation is good...and the grahices are kinda ok.
not bad!.....=)
This is a great stick figure good job!....nice 3-d effect!
This movie isnt anything special,nothing new,infact its BORING!
need work....
This has a good storyline and plot ,but the grahices,animation would of way better with sound!
good job!
This is a great movie!your grahices are great ,its probably from another flash company!anyway its cool
Kaliningrad, Russia
Joined on 6/26/00