this game is not half bad,I kinda injoined it!
this game is not half bad,I kinda injoined it!
not the cat
Its not bad,keep it up!
wow dude!
I dont know how the hell did you did that!
hit me baby one more time....(splat!)
this movie is great,even thought I like britney spears songs and stuff....its still kicks ass
your grahices are not that good,but good idea for a movie
fuck this!
your movie sucks!!!!!!
You have failed to show a valid point in that review, all you have said is "Your movie sucks!!!!!!".
Please only review things if you have more than a double figure I.Q!
your movie sucks dick!!!
you grahices suck,at least put some real guys not stick figures!!!!!
your movie kicks ass,could of used for grahices,
but every thing else is great!!! =)
nice sound,hm...???? the grahices???
funny song you put on the horny scarescrow,it kinda reminds me of the wizard of OZ heheh.
you should put more animation,with the music.
Kaliningrad, Russia
Joined on 6/26/00